The Player Characters
The PCs are the driving force of the story. In the Bloodlines of the Blackfire Heart, they are Kurgan Thunderhowl (played by Wallace), Gaius Banebritch (played by Nick), and Scarlet Carson (played by Joel). While our story begins with each of them being strangers, they are brought together by their shared connection to Thuvius Vaine.
Kurgan Thunderhowl

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 01 - The Beginning Of The End
NG Male Half-Orc Druid
Description: This rugged-looking half-orc has long, dark hair, oversized, vestigial tusks, and a stern, piercing gaze. His back and arms proudly display intricate tattoos, which possess a deep spiritual connection to the natural world. He wears hides and furs harvested from all manner of woodland beasts, including the pelt of an immense bear worn over the left shoulder, rough-furred bracers, and a crude-looking leather belt covered in shamanistic fetishes. A heavy bow made from animal bones is slung over his right shoulder, while a large, two-handed woodsman’s axe rests in a leather harness upon his back.
His loyal companion, Greymane, is a large grey wolf, who wears light leather barding, and a rugged pack harness.
Personality: Kurgan is calm, contemplative, and insightful. He is charitable and friendly to those he encounters and is always willing to lend aid to those in need—he helps others, simply because his help is needed, not because he desires compensation or even thanks. Though, to those who would oppress or harm others, he is relentless and fierce, as though a hungry predator locked onto the trail of his prey.
Kurgan has a deep, spiritual connection to the natural world, and the abundant flora and fauna it produces. He tries to foster an appreciation for the natural world in those he meets, particularly children or those afflicted with poverty, and teaches them how to gather the bounties of the natural world responsibly. He will not tolerate acts which abuse, damage, or otherwise afflict lasting harm upon the natural world.
Background: Kurgan was raised among the Keepers of the Stonehewn Circle, an alliance of druids who watch over the Worldspine Mountains and the surrounding wilderness. He knows little about his parents beyond what he was told by some of his older druid brethren. His mother was an escaped human slave from Celisia who fled the Grekan Empire after getting pregnant. She died shortly after giving birth, but not before entrusting her child’s safety to the Keepers of the Stonehewn Circle.
He spent much of his youth working alongside other members of his circle looking after the northern reaches of the Mistveil Forest. After a chance encounter with desperate and impoverished peasants from Ironhold’s slums who nearly died while looking for poisonous herbs, he cured their afflictions, and escorted them back to the industry-ridden metropolis. There he began meeting with other folk afflicted with poverty and used his druidic magic to provide them with purified food, clean water, and even magical remedies for their afflictions. Since, he travels to the city regularly to teach anyone who will listen how to improve their lives through relying on and cultivating nature’s bounties, rather than relying on the exploitation of industry.
Kurgan met Thuvius shortly after he started his weekly trips to Ironhold. He was approached by the man to help him harvest rare herbs desperately needed by a local healer providing aide to citizens in the slums afflicted with an unusual contagion. They succeeded, and even worked together on several other occasions before Thuvius left Ironhold a few months later.
Gaius Banebritch

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 01 - The Beginning Of The End
LG Male Rougarou Cavalier
Description: This bipedal, wolf-like humanoid stands a full head taller than most humans, despite possessing a slightly stooped posture. His immaculate, well-groomed coat is largely snow-white, though the ends of his arms, legs, and ears are jet black. He wears heavy plate armor, and an ornate, but well-worn tabard bearing the insignia of a crowned, golden phoenix upon a red background. A kite shield bearing the same insignia is slung over his shoulder, while a horseman’s axe rests upon his belt.
His faithful steed, Rexford, is a large black horse, who wears light chain barding, and a matching tabard. An iron tipped lance with a red-painted wooden shaft sits at the ready.
Personality: Gaius is an outgoing, honorable, do-gooder. He keeps to his word, does what is right, and enjoys life to the fullest. He is a man of action, who would rather save a victim, than punish a criminal. He has no interest in vengeance or acting out of spite or malice. His belief in redemption is absolute. He offers mercy to his enemies but won’t hesitate to strike down those who refuse the chance to redeem themselves.
Background: Gaius is a devoted worshipper of Davros, the god of duty, redemption, and warfare. He was raised as a templar among the military arm of Sanctum’s church of Davros. There, he served as a squire to Knight-Lord Theodorus Pentelmark, a wizened old knight with a brilliant strategic mind, who commanded the Order of the Crowned Phoenix.
Gaius is a survivor of the Blood Moon Massacre of 971 AC, a deadly nighttime ambush by legions of Grekan Dredgers during a campaign to defend the Battlesworn Valley. He is the lone surviving member of the Order of the Crowned Pheonix, being spared only because of Thuvius Vaine, a powerful magus tasked with rescuing the young squire by the Knight-Lord himself.
While their time together was brief, Thuvius’ council over the following weeks helped Gaius accept his loss and set him upon the path of knighthood. Since, he has wandered the countryside as a knight-errant, trying to live in an honorable and just manner worthy of being the sole successor to the Order of the Crowned Phoenix. Although only a knight at heart, not in title, he is nonetheless resolved to continue his good work as a wandering knightly warrior.
Scarlet Carson

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 01 - The Beginning Of The End
LN Female Aasimar Inquisitor
Description: This young angelkin woman has bright blue eyes and a piercing gaze. She wears her long white hair in a ponytail but takes measures to conceal her striking features with a dark, hooded cloak. Her armor features minor embellishments while maintaining a focus on function, while a corsage-like bracelet upon her left wrist resembles an onyx-petalled rose. An ornate two-handed sword is sheathed upon her back, its pommel and grip likewise resembling a black rose.
Personality: Scarlet is confident, reserved, and strong-willed. She believes penance must be paid for one’s wrongdoings; to her, the simple act of drawing upon Tyranus’ divine might is proof enough that her path is just. She will offer a chance of redemption to those who seek it but will deliver swift judgment upon those who lack the necessary resolve. To protect the innocent, she would rather seek out the source of corruption than punish a single misguided soul.
Background: Scarlet serves as an inquisitor to the Order of the Black Rose, a sect of sacred assassins within the Cultivators, a radical, clandestine organization devoted to Tyranus, the god of righteousness, storms, and zeal. Since adolescence, she has faithfully meted out divine punishment to all manner of vile and insidious folk who were sources of corruption to their communities—with the rot removed, the garden flourishes. Currently, she resides in Highcastle, working to root out the cause of the growing flesh trade that has run rampant within the city’s underbelly.
Scarlet met Thuvius Vaine several months ago, when they crossed paths during one of her investigations into the Pit Fiends’ involvement with the illegal flesh trade in Highcastle. While she hasn’t revealed the full scope of her operations to him, he has continued to assist her when called upon.
The Gallery of Supporting Characters
The NPCs are the at beating heart of the world, and are given life by the GM (a role performed by Kris). In the Bloodlines of the Blackfire Heart, the PCs make all decisions themselves, which can affect how some NPCs influence the story.
"Chainbreaker" Matias Ansom

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 01 - The Beginning Of The End
Male Old Human Swashbuckler
Description & Personality: A distinguished, well-kept old nobleman, with white hair, and a finely trimmed goatee. He carries an ornate, gold-handled cane, and wears a red overcoat with gold trim, tall-heeled boots with gold buckles, and a gold belt buckle bearing the insignia of a pair of crossed drinking horns. Free-spirited, and benevolent worshipper of Midas, the God of heroes, competition, and treasure.
Background: Operates Chainbreaker’s Tavern a local restaurant and brewhouse. Retired to open his own bar when his body started giving out. Renowned for the slave-freeing days of his youth, when he rebelled against the Justicars, and brought light to corruption within their ranks: the so-called Chainers of Ironhold.
"Bloody" Brack Grogan

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 02 - Oh Thuvius, Where Art Thou?
Male Half-Orc Rogue
Description & Personality: A fearsome, battle-hardened half-orc pit fighter. His green skin is marred with scars, telling tales of countless brutal encounters. He wears a dark, hooded robe, and wields a greataxe with a blade reminiscent of the spiked wings of a fiend. His face is marked with the symbol of the Pit Fiends.
Background: A popular figure within the illicit pit fights held by the Pit Fiends. Brack is wanted by the Highcastle Guard for questioning, and has a sizable bounty on his head. Rumors persist that he has some connection to Lilla "Longarm" Lillian, the supposed leader of the Pit Fiends.
Mandrell Marx

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 02 - Oh Thuvius, Where Art Thou?
Male Human Fighter
Description & Personality: An experienced and reliable member of the Highcastle Guard. Balancing charm with resolute duty, Mandrell embodies the polished professionalism to be expected of his position. He wears his uniform when on duty, consisting of a simple breastplate covered by a red and gold overcoat.
Background: A veteran of his position for nearly a decade, Mandrell is well-respected among his peers, and even seems to have earned the trust of Captain Hosk Aurochs.
Captain Hosk Aurochs

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 03 - Follow Your Spiras
Male Middle-Aged Half-Orc Fighter
Description & Personality: A middle-aged half-orc man, with pronounced tusks, and pale blue eyes. His greying black hair is worn in a ponytail, while his thick brow and short beard are completely grey. He wears battle worn plate armor, and a tabard bearing the insignia of a paved road passing through a golden ring.
Background: A stoic and honorable man who worships Thapocles, the God of foresight, pathways, and commerce, Hosk has served as the captain of the Highcastle Guard since retiring from adventuring. He is a vocal opponent of the Pit Fiends, and actively works to root out their far-reaching operations, as well as reveal the identities of their influential and secretive allies. Hosk is rumored to have close ties to Lokak Dragma.
Elodie Spiras

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 03 - Follow Your Spiras
Female Human Alchemist
Description & Personality: An eccentric young woman with flowing pink hair, green eyes, and thin glasses. Her natural beauty is barely diminished by her unkept appearance, and oversized, brown leather coat. Erratic, obsessive, and forgetful.
Background: Owner of the notorious Spiras Spirits alchemy shop. Always brewing potions and tonics, and is renowned for her irresponsible disposal of alchemical waste. Recently inherited her grandmother’s occult shop, but only wants to sell alchemical goods and potions.
Lokak Dragma

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 04 - Into The Void!
Male Old Half-Elf Summoner
Description & Personality: A dark-skinned old half-elf man with long black hair, striking features, gold eyes, and black tattoos streaking across his body like frozen lightning. He wears a long, dark robe which features an overly tall standing collar, and immense, pointed shoulder pads. Undeniably creepy, overly helpful, and possibly even a charlatan.
Lokak has a horrifying but gentle eidolon named Miasma, which largely resembles a wheezing, hunched, bipedal bear, but with the head of a fish, a maw of needle-like fangs, a pair of goat horns, and smoke-spewing voids where its eyes should be. Its forelimbs are completely devoid of fur, revealing its wrinkly, sagging, humanoid flesh.
Background: Operates the Glimpse of the Void antiques and occult shop. Renowned throughout Highcastle for his unusual occult powers, including fortunetelling, communing with spirits, prophetic visions, and conjuring of otherworldy entities. However, some dissatisfied customers claim he is a fraud who uses uses hallucinogens to induce profound visions, as well as alchemical substances and illusions for added effects. Rumored to have some connection to Captain Hosk Aurochs.
Old Kasif

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 04 - Into The Void!
Male Old Human Bard
Description & Personality: A weathered, filthy, old seaman dressed in an aged, grime-covered overcoat. He wears a simple leather cap, and sturdy leather boots. His long coat appears to be bursting at the seams, filled with all manner of likely-pilfered goods. Always interested in making some quick coin, and has no regard for the lives of others.
Background: Old Kasif is a fence for all sorts of unscrupulous types, and is known for his ruthless business tactics. If you don’t buy, you pay for his time; usually with your possessions, or life. He is wanted by the Highcastle Guard for all manner of crimes, and has a sizable bounty on his head, dead or alive. Old Kasif primarily operates along the Seprin River between Redwall and Messennia, using his old, decrepit vessel, the Salty Maiden.
Willem Bornello

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 06 - Bornello's Bordello
Male Middle-Aged Human Ranger
Description & Personality: A burly, middle-aged man, with a receding red-brown hairline, bushy eyebrows, and a thick beard. He wears the simple clothes of a blacksmith, complete with an apron, gloves, and boots made from rugged leather. Gruff, but kind, with a hidden love for sweet confections.
Background: Operates the Ironhand Smithy, a local blacksmith specializing in oversized armaments. Rumored to be Whitescar, the white-furred dire werebear leader of the Ironclaw Tribe, who patrol the Iron Hills North and the Mistveil Forest. He doesn’t deny these rumors, and is given a wide berth by the Pit Fiends.
Dame Satsuki Nobura

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 06 - Bornello's Bordello
Female Middle-Aged Human Samurai
Description & Personality: A pale-skinned woman with brown eyes, and straight, black hair with a single wisp of white. She wears vibrant red and silver armor, and has an ornate round shield strapped to her arm bearing the insignia of House Harrowood, a trio of stylized crossed swords before a massive black tree. A pair of intricately detailed scabbards rest upon her belt, one holding a katana, and the other a bastard sword. She is renowned for her skills as a warrior, and is loyal to a fault.
Background: Dame Satsuki Nobura is the keeper of the Eldenedge, also known as the Justice of the Three Virtues, an elaborate magical bastard sword wielded by a former patriarch of House Harrowood, Talvanius, during the Age of Cataclysm to battle the shadowed legions of Xeronoth.
She serves as leader of the Harrowood Soldiers. Rumors persist that she is the mistress of Lord Marius Harrowood, though none would dare to utter such whispers in her presence.
Teller Rhodes

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 08 - A Horse Named Rexford
Male Middle-Aged Human Sorcerer
Description & Personality: A husky man, wearing an expensive-looking purple overcoat, a golden amulet bearing the insignia of a pair of crossed drinking horns, and a pointed cap with a large yellow feather. Jovial, outgoing, and exceptionally lucky. He is a devoted worshipper of Midas, God of heroes, competition, and treasure.
Background: This wealthy merchant operates Mercantile Rhodes, an influential mercantile consortium. Shortly after founding his company, he landed several exclusive and highly-profitable contacts with foreign ship captains. He has long-attributed his success to his "lucky black coins", a small handful of nexicite-plated coins, which he claims have earned him the favour of Midas himself.
Tillius Wren

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 10 - Chainbreakers' On Fire
Male Human Rogue
Description & Personality: This short, thin, nervous-looking man wears rough leather armor, and proudly displays a crudely-painted Pit Fiends tattoo atop the skin on his arm. Tillius is a lecherous little fellow, despite being dishevelled, unkempt, and holding a timid posture. He is a coward, who will do nearly anything to avoid physical pain, or worse yet, a hard day’s work. He is a consummate liar, prone to wild stories and gross embellishments.
Background: A relatively new member of the Pit Fiends, Tillius claims to have only joined up with the gang because it pays well, he is extremely lazy, and he finds it easier to work alongside a group of thugs than to be the target of their ire. His intel about the Pit Fiends is dubious at best, however he claims to have been part of the Dockside Devil's crew.

First Appearance: Series 1 - Episode 13 - The Chains Will Set you Free
Lantern Archon Exemplar
Description & Personality: Friendly and curious, this glowing golden orb of celestial power bears a magical sigil above it's vaguely humanoid face. Able to control it's luminescence at will, the glow of it's body seems to grow or diminish based on its emotional state, from the meekness of a candlelight, to the blazing fires of a stalwart warrior.
Background: A loyal servant to "The Great Seer" Lokak Dragma, and deep admirer of "Lord" Miasma, Flickerwick is frequently trusted with performing all manner of clandestine activities for his master's former adventuring companion, Captain Hosk Aurochs.