Kris: the Intrepid GM
Barely Adequate Podcast - Gamemaster / Website Manager
Intrepid Realms RPG - Lead Developer
Kris is the primary GM for his play groups, and has vast experience with running games for a variety of players, play styles, and game systems. While he does enjoy playing characters, his true passion lies with running games, and expanding the lore of his unique homebrew campaign setting, the Realms of Atrothia.
Gaming Experience: 15+ years (active since 2006), primarily as a Gamemaster.
Preferred Game System: Pathfinder 1E, particularly with the Intrepid Realms RPG series of "Revisited" expansion materials (currently in playtesting).
Favourite Campaign: Gladiators of Grekan.
Memorable Characters: Kelestair (NE Male Tielfing Wizard), Theron Pearroc (CG Male Satyr Ranger), and Tarksis Fellbeast (CE Male Human Cleric).

Wallace: the Beast
Barely Adequate Podcast - Player / YouTube Manager
After waiting most of his life to find a group willing to try out a Tabletop RPG, Wallace eventually met Kris through a mutual friend, and he's been gaming at least twice a week every since. Whether he's playing a dwarf, an orc, a sasquatch, or hanging out with a wolf pet, the Beast is running wild!
Gaming Experience: 15+ years (active since 2010), primarily as a Player.
Preferred Game System: Pathfinder 1E, particularly with the Intrepid Realms RPG series of "Revisited" expansion materials (currently in playtesting).
Favourite Campaign: City of the Dead.
Memorable Characters: Malvin Descarni (N Gnome Sorcerer), Saidin (CG Dwarf Bard), and Rand (LN Male Aasimar Cleric).

Joel: the Audio Aficionado
Barely Adequate Podcast - Player / Audio Technician
Entry redacted... He likes to keep things MYS-TER-IOUS.
Gaming Experience: 20+ years (active since 2008, after a hiatus).
Preferred Game System: Pathfinder 1E.
Favourite Campaign: Legacies of Corberus.
Memorable Characters: Gavin Caylein (CN Male Human Bard), Gizmo Fizzlebolt (CG Male Gnome Mystic Theurge), and Kerrgan the Black (LN Male Human Fighter).

Nick: the Other Guy
Barely Adequate Podcast - Player / Social Media Manager
Nick first wrangled Kris into being the GM for a ragtag group of misfits after the poor guy had only played the game 3 times, and despite many years of effort and dozens of character deaths, hasn't been able to get rid of him ever since. Not only that, Nick also laid the groundwork for the almighty Xeronoth in the Realms of Atrothia campaign setting, and his been the go-to "idea man" for Kris to bounce around ideas with for nearly 20 years.
Gaming Experience: 20+ years (active since 2006, after a hiatus), primarily as a Player.
Preferred Game System: D6 Star Wars 2E.
Favourite Campaign: The Game of Many Fates (aka Dragon's Chess).
Memorable Characters: Terran (CG Male Human Ranger), Karuyama Katsu (NE Male Tiefling Ninja), and Torran Coramsson (CN Male Human Ranger).